Support Midwifery Care


We are reaching out to ask for your support as a consumer of midwifery services. The state of Florida has a rich history of midwifery practice, but it has not been without challenges. In fact, our midwifery practice act, Florida Statute 467, was closed in 1984 due to political pressures from the state medical community. Through the hard work and efforts of many midwives, consumers, and lobbyists, we got our law back again in 1992. Because the profession of midwifery has always been under threat, it is absolutely critical that we have an active lobbyist who can advocate on our behalf and ensure that no detrimental legislation is passed in regards to the midwifery profession or its consumers.

In 2016 our act again became the target of proposed legislative changes. There was a potential threat to the Midwifery Practice Act that could have required all women who wish to receive midwifery care to be seen by an OB first to be “approved” for care by a midwife. In addition, they would need to return each trimester to be risk screened and re-approved
for midwifery care. Thankfully, through the efforts of dedicated midwives and conscientious lobbyists, our Practice Act remained intact and “unopened”. But imagine the impact if it had passed!

We need your financial support NOW to be able to pay our lobbyist fees and make sure that your access to care is protected. Please take the time now to click on the following link and make your donation to the Florida Foundation for Midwives, a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to raise monies for our lobbyists. It will only take you a few seconds to make your donation and if you donate $50 or more you will receive a free tote bag as a token of our appreciation. Please put my name in the comments when you donate so we can keep track of which midwife’s client is donating.

Many Thanks!!!


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