Prenatal and Postnatal Massage

Prenatal Massage

Prenatal Massage has amazing benefits to both mother and baby during pregnancy.  Massage during pregnancy can help to relieve moms discomfortsfrom the physical, emotional and hormonal changes she is constantly going through.  We must remember mom isn’t the only one going through these constant changes, your baby is growing and changing at a tremendous rate as well! 
Prenatal massage naturally stimulates the release of endorphin’s for relaxation,these endorphin’s cross the placenta allowing for the baby to receive thesame relaxation as its mom.  Essentially the prenatal massage intended to help mom is positively effecting the baby as well.  Your baby feels what you feelfrom anxiety, stress and tension, give them the advantage of a warm and loving environment both before and after birth!

Postnatal Massage

The postpartum period is a important time for the mother to remember that honoring herself encourages quicker healing, and better mental state. Postpartum massage not only promote relaxation but also increases flexibility of muscles and the tense nerves. This can help with mother’s milk production and induce good sleep. Enjoy a postpartum massage and reduce your stress hormone, and reduce fluid retention.


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