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CPM in Politics

Legislation to Fund Midwifery Education Introduced in the U.S. House of Representatives Congresswomen Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-CA) and Jamie Herrera Beutler (R-WA), Co-Founders and Co-Chairs of the  Congressional Caucus on Maternity Care ,  introduced  the Midwives for Maximizing Optimal Maternity Services Act ( H.R. 3849 ) on May 19, 2019.  The Midwives for MOMS Act authorizes new federal funding for midwifery education within Title VII and Title VIII of the Public Health Service Act. This bill addresses the growing birth care provider shortage by increasing the number of midwives available to families in our country today.  In addition, the bill addresses the significant lack of racial and ethnic representation in the birth care workforce by focusing resources on schools and programs that prioritize students who plan to practice in health professional shortage areas and that focus on increasing racial and ethnic representation in midwifery education an...

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